Showing posts with label Fishing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fishing. Show all posts

Thursday, May 23, 2013

On mornings like this -

On mornings like this ....

It's easy to think you might have the whole lake to your self.  And then the peace and quiet is broken when you catch this.

Thanks to John Peddy for the photos.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Weather Report

We've had some very foggy mornings lately.

I promise ... there is a really big lake out there somewhere.

The sun trying to come through.  If you look close you can barely see a fisherman
right in the middle of this gorgeous ray of light.

Then .... all of a sudden -

The fogs lifts and you wonder where all those boats came from.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Bank Fishing

Look like fun?

It is!

This is such a typical scene around here.  Fishing from the bank doesn't require any fancy equipment.  And there are miles and miles of beach to fish from. 

Photographed at Paris Landing State Park

Sunday, May 20, 2012

What I Like

Sometimes I find it necessary to explain why I like Paris Landing so much.  It's not just the lake, the landscape, the wildlife, the weather.  A lot of it has to do with the people.  And on Saturday at the Wounded Warrior Bass Tournament .... the folks of Paris Landing made me proud.  Here are a few of the things I like. 

Sharon Seaton found a boat for this last minute soldier.

People who are really, really happy to be so helpful.

Cindy Rice of T.F. Rice & Co. gets the award for bringing the biggest flag.
When you tell folks "Y'all come and bring a flag."  .... they bring the biggest one they can find,

Ryan Caldwell isn't too young to wave a flag.
or .... they bring their kids too and make them wave a flag,

or, just in case you forgot to bring a flag -
Anne, Justin and Caleb Cullen
They bring a flag just for you!

Love this Eagle provided by the State Park! 

Everyone finds a way to be helpful.

The guys from the U.S. Coast Guard Cimmarron unhooked 
snags for kids at the Junior Fishing Rodeo.

I love it when I get a cool shot like this one!  (And no - I don't know who's head that is.)

Or this one.  Look at the girl on the right dodging a hook.

Or this one.

Or when everyone lines up just right, almost as if they were waiting on a camera,
so I can get a shot like this.

And of course, if I weren't at Paris Landing I wouldn't have the opportunity for all these photos.

I just like Paris Landing.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Nice Catch!

I've posted so many photos of pretty posies lately ... I just wanted to remind folks that one of the main reasons folks move here is because of the fishing.  Fishing is one of the main things that makes Paris Landing so wonderful.

This is my cousin Andy "Butch"  Bolding of Paris Landing
Nice Catch!

Monday, February 27, 2012

The Big Fish

 Mr. Cook at Sinclair's Fishmarket, holds a 60lb blue cat he caught today.