Saturday, August 25, 2012

Remember this?

Well!  You should see it now.

The front.
All decked out in summer flowers. 
Photographed at the Carpenter house on Lakehill Beach Estates Road.

The back.
Bill Carpenter gives Freida all the credit for their gorgeous flowers.

Love this yard ornament.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Bank Fishing

Look like fun?

It is!

This is such a typical scene around here.  Fishing from the bank doesn't require any fancy equipment.  And there are miles and miles of beach to fish from. 

Photographed at Paris Landing State Park


Sunflowers have always been one of my favorite subjects to paint or draw in a very tight, detailed style as you can see by these pieces I did a few years ago.

Sunflower Window
Watercolor & Ink

Colored Pencil & Ink
Sunflower Forest

I haven't actually painted since about 2008. Most of the images I do these days are photo manipulations and the occasional collage that might have just a little hand painting or drawing.

Lately though I've been kind of jumping around ... doing different things, trying my hand at things I have never done before (like jewelry) and experimenting with a new take on some of the mediums I've used in the past.

So it was time to do something different and a little challenging.  I wanted to try something a little looser and vivid.  So ...

Sunflower On Red
This was really an experiment with acrylic on a 14" x 18" canvas.  But, I think I really like it and will be doing some more along this line.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

A Day In My Neighborhood

A day in my neighborhood might include ...

Fishing at dawn.

A drive through the countryside.

a deadly encounter.

Now, what would a blog about living at a lake be - without the occasional snake?

Thanks to John Peddy  at Sweetvalley Cabin Rental for the photos.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Jewelry Updates

Jack Jones Flowers & Gifts, which has carried my art prints for several years, now also carries my jewels made from upcycled buttons, paper and other doo dads.  Here's a little sampling. 

Fluttery and unbelievably light earrings.  You won't believe these are paper! All paper items have been sealed to be water resistant.

Button bracelets are eye catching and fun to wear.  No two are exactly alike.

Old Levi buttons for the Boho style.  Unique, fun and swingy.

Eye catching red with black edges and brass fittings. 
Feather light!

Also availabe at T.F. Rice & Co. and on my Etsy shop.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Some of the folks who sell my art.

Went by Merison’s today to check on my artwork sales.

Just one of many art pieces I have at Merison's.

But when I came in the door ….

I fell in love with this chair. Isn’t it great! It’s round and it turns. My inner child just loved it!

And apparently … so does Susan Jones!

While I was there I saw some paintings by two of my favorite local artist - Eleanor Baker and Ann Stapp.


And gorgeous pottery by Ridgehaven Studios.

Snapped this photo just because I thought the set up was so purty! Someone needs to make this into an art piece. Maybe I will. Check back later! …. Seriously.


Back to my art work and Merison’s. Yes! Merison’s is one of several places that carry my art.

And it doesn’t hurt that they are happy, fun loving folks.