Monday, February 3, 2014

A Gallery Wall

So what do artists do with all those paintings they generate when they are in-between galleries or still in the works?   It would be nice if artists could sell their paintings as fast as they paint them or have them all farmed out to galleries.  But it just doesn't work that way.   So in the meantime .... rather than me continuing to punch nail holes in my studio wall, my husband created a gallery hanger for me.

The hanger which is about 1/2" x 1 1/2" is painted to match the wall and is hung with a very small gap between it and the wall.  The paintings are then hung from the wooden strip on fishing line.  You can't see the fishing line in this photo and you can hardly see it if you are standing right here in the room with it.

I've been pretty busy this winter painting.  Several of these are not finished - like the big one right in the middle.  And some are for painting classes at T.F. Rice & Co. when it opens in the Spring.  

The "laugh" sign is there just to remind me that I need to do that at least once a day.

I love my new gallery wall!

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